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Hubei kepuda company won the "Excellent Quality Award" of Hengtong group

Date:2019/7/30 16:42:55????Views:

On July 19, at the first Supply Chain Partnership Conference held by Hengtong Group on the theme of "Leaping across New Starting Points and Innovating Ecology", Hubei Kepuda Polymer Materials Co., Ltd. won the "Excellent Quality Award".

At the meeting, Qian Jianlin, executive president of Hengtong Group, made a special report on "Science and Technology Leading Innovation Driving Focus on High Quality Development".

Ke Bin, chairman of Kepuda Company, spoke at the meeting as a representative of the Excellent Quality Award. He first thanked Hengtong Group for its trust and support to Kepuda Company. As a supplier of communication industry, Kepuda will always adhere to the principle of technology first and quality first, serve customers intimately, strive to strengthen the construction of enterprise science and technology platform, strictly control product quality and cost, and establish the culture of customers as our food and clothing parents. Idea, do a good job of intimate marketing services, in the post-sale to achieve rapid response, effective measures to improve, and constantly enhance customer satisfaction.

Kepuda people are willing to work together with their colleagues and businessmen to continue their efforts, not forgetting their first thoughts and moving forward, and jointly enter a promising new era of 5G.



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