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Introduce strategic investment partners to realize the transformation from production-oriented enterprises to technological innovation-oriented enterprises, and build the company into the largest and most complete optical cable material processing and rubber and plastic new material research and development production base in Central and South China.
Cooperation and mutual benefit, perfection and common growth......


ABOUT pacific optics

? 關于我們 About us

Hubei Kepuda Industrial Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful Yangtze River - Hubei Xiaochi Binjiang New Area, facing the Lushan Mountain in Jiangxi across ...

? 企業愿景 enterprise vision

Work together for a better future——To new employee bookWarmly and sincerely welcome you to become a member of Copda. Starting today, we will spend e…

? 榮譽資質 honor

The total production capacity of photoelectric cable materials reaches 100,000 tons, and the annual sales income is 1.6 billion yuan and the ...

? 聯系我們 Contact us

Address:No.168, Yanjiang Road, Xiaochi Town, Huangmei County, Hubei Province
Fax:0713-3438880 / 3436170

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